The 13th Biennial Meeting of 4A (AAAA 2022) will be held virtually from Friday June 24th until Sunday June 26th, 2022.

All details on 4A website : here

Dr Maryse DELEHEDDE will give a talk entilted “Protein markers towards a functional approach to male fertility” at this major event of animal reproduction !

Please stay tuned to lean more about the 4MID approach to assess semen quality as a functional approach of male fertility.

4A 2022 and 4BioDX

The Association for Applied Animal Andrology (4A) is an international organization which aims to promote useful and crucial information in applied animal andrology for the benefit of researchers, industry leaders, students, professionals, practitioners, educators, animal breeders, and any interested members of the public.


Facebook: Association for Applied Animal Andrology.

Website :

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See you soon !