The 25th Annual ESDAR Conference 2022 ( European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction Conference) will be held in Thessaloniki (Greece) from the2 8th September to 2nd October, 2022
The venue of the ESDAR 2022 will be at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.

The ESDAR 2022 is organized to promote research, discussion, debate and supports all activites to stimulate education and research in the field of reproduction, especially for clinical Aspects, biotechnology and Physiology of Reproduction.

Dr Marta Dordas Perpinya from Oniris (Vet shool in Nantes, France) will give an oral communication entilted : ProAKAP4 correlation with motion parameters and spermatozoa subpopulations in stallion.

with applications of the use of the Horse 4MID Kit (ref 4VDX-18K3)

Ms Alice Fatet (INRAE, France) will present her data on proAKAP4 in goats in a communication entilted : The sperm specific protein proAKAP4 as a marker to evaluate sperm quality and fertility in Bucks.

with applications of the use of the Goat 4MID Kit (ref 4VDX-18K9)

All the details (program, speaker, fees, registration) on the following website :