A conserved role of proAKAP4 for the last 166 million years of mammalian evolution !
The proAKAP4/AKAP4 polypeptide has been recently described in spermatozoa from koala (phascolarctos cinereus) by Skerrett-Byrne and his collaborators from University of Newcastle, Australia in Proteomics Journal.
Skerrett-Byrne DA, Anderson AL, Hulse L, Wass C, Dun MD, Bromfield EG, De Iuliis GN, Pyne M, Nicolson V, Johnston SD and Nixon B (2021) Proteomic analysis of koala (phascolarctos cinereus) spermatozoa and prostatic bodies. Proteomics :e2100067. doi: 10.1002/pmic.202100067.
The complete list of all publications on proAKAP4/AKAP4 system in male fertility upon request at contact@4biodx.com
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